Promoting Quality Improvement in Education Content and Delivery
Advocating for and Supporting Evolution of School…
Our contribution to lasting large scale community development begins from the root with: Advocating for and supporting evolution of school curriculums, facilities and methods of teaching & learning in contemporary times.
To do these, we engage government & relevant stakeholders in initiatives that enhance quality education outcomes and bring about positive change viz:
i) Promote North-South educational culture exchange
ii) Conceive & facilitate value-addingpartnerships
iii) Promote compliance with quality standards

Bridging the gap…

2) Bridging the gap between what the ideal progressive society and competitive global work place is looking for (right mindset-attitude-knowledge-skills mix) and what most of our young people posses (good to excellent school leaving credentials & inappropriate attitude|poor skill preparedness: inappropriate ethics & etiquette poor communication, insecurity, wrong priorities, wrong lifestyles, wrong habits, lack of commitment).
To do this, we promote early start in shaping appropriate mindsets & skillset for children and young adults by accompanying them within a conducive environment, through the motor (physical), communication & language, cognitive and social & emotional areas of development, and eventually as they transition to adulthood have them develop appropriate attitudes and competencies to become well-spoken, task efficient, confident, more effective, more recognized beyond just credentials, valuable and more competitive collaborators & leaders in a global work force. Core initiatives in connection with this include:
i) Early quality child learning
ii) Basic life skills education, counseling & mentoring